Sunday, September 26, 2010

Short post for a long day.

We can't really say much about today. Only that we were able to spend some time at the Zoo with someone that Andrew was familiar with for one last goodbye. They were both very close, and it was a mistake we would be willing to make again. Unfortunately, it set his attachment with us back a day, but it provided much needed closure for them. We are glad that it happened today and not later in our stay.

The past two nights Andrew woke up around 1 a.m. The first night he was visibly frightened and so we instinctively brought him into our bed.

The second night it was evident that he was just simply wanting to hang out. So we spent about an hour putting him back down to bed repeatedly as he would get back up and come in to our room. At first we took the time to love on him and reassure him that we were there since he was whimpering some and crying. As time progressed, we would tell him in Bulgarian "No, I love you, fall asleep, it's time for bed" and at this point there was no crying. Towards the end we just said "No. Go to bed". Finally, he just stayed in bed and fell asleep on his own. It was worth the time we put in for future nights of better sleep.

We'll see how tonight goes.

Bedtime tonight was a little easier. Still a struggle when it was time to put on pajamas, but after that things were much better.

No plans for tomorrow except to take it easy and enjoy our son.


  1. Wanted to let you know we decided not to go forward. Thanks for the info though, I will be using the same doctor you used, he was my first choice. We will continue to wait for a healthy referral. Tomorrow we are updating our homestudy. Thanks for you encouragement, your son is beautiful, I am sure you can't wait to be home with him.

  2. You guys are doing great. I can't imagine the adjustment in his little mind and heart with such a big change, but you're loving him through it.
