Thursday, July 30, 2009

An Amazing Day

We discovered that we had miscalculated how much we would need to pay for the finished homestudy. It was actually $1400 instead of the $1000 that we had previously written. No big deal. We'll just need to sell a few extra CDs. However they were not scheduled to arrive until August 17th/18th, which did not leave us a lot of time. So once again we commited to prayer.

Yesterday morning we received an email that the CDs would be arriving today!! We were so excited! 2 1/2 weeks early!! This would give us more time to raise the remaining funds. That night at our small group bible study, we mentioned that the CDs were on their way, but asked for prayer that God would provide the remaining amount needed. One member prayed that the money would come the very next day. Jen also had been praying for some time that the money would come before the CDs arrived. At 12:03 a.m. we received the full $1400!!! The CDs arrived this afternoon. God is alive, He is good, and apparently he still has a sense of humor!

Now we are praying and waiting for Aaron's CPS backround check from CT to be cleared.

The cost is $15. You can either click the Paypal button on the side of the page, or send us a check and we'll ship it out ASAP. Aaron and the team have been working hard since October to get this CD ready. We've been eager to have it knowing that it is our biggest fund raiser for our adoption. So, order now, not only will you get a worship CD, you'll help bring "Little Brother" home. All but some change will go directly to our adoption fund.

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