We used An Open Door Adoption Agency here in Georgia. We were super impressed with this agency as we have stated numerous times. We had an opportunity to write up a testimonial for their website and wanted to share it. To see our testimonial click here (We're the second one down under Andrew).
Family National Association is the Bulgarian side to our adoption agency. Click here to see their homepage. If you scroll to the bottom you will see our pictures on their home page. Click on Photos/Reviews at the top of the page to read our review (first one under Review for USA) as well as see our pictures (under Photos for USA). We were very impressed with this agency. They also have a section listing special needs children that they have access to written in English. A long way down on the list is the number for our son and next to it is written ADOPTED along with many others. It brings joy to our heart to see this.
Last, but not least, here is some fun video our boys. They love music and play their guitars most every day. By the way, Andrew is singing to God and saying "Send your power". Yes, it sounds like shampoo, but we hear it often. Some days it is easier to understand than others. This is Andrew's favorite song to sing. He made it up one day while he and Tobin were playing "worship".
Too precious. What a gift! God is smiling even if it sounds like shampoo.